English follows Japanese (as always in this site)
Foreign books in France, you would find mostly English. However you will find many french translations of foreign works, so checking bookstores must be fun.
パリ Paris
You should not skip bookstores along Boulevard Saint-Michel in Qualtier-Latin 6th arrondissement on the left bank, if you are in Paris.
Gibert Joseph
カルティエ・ラタンの本のデパートのようなところです。もともとはセーヌ川沿いの古本市を営んでいた創業者が店舗を持つようになったそうです。下に紹介するGibert Jeuneはここから暖簾分けしたお店のようです。ここの品揃えの面白いところは新刊と中古が一緒に並べられているところです。中古には”Occasion”と書かれた黄色いシールが貼ってあり新刊より安い値付けがされています。ここには品揃えと安さの両方の魅力があります。
Like Book Department Store of Qualtier-Latin. Originally it was a Bouquiniste along the river Seine, then held the store building. Other bookstore Giber Jeune who is mentioned below was become independent from Original Giber Joseph. They sell both new and second hand books and latter is sold cheaper with yellow sticker which say “Occasion” (Second hand). You can take benefit of both assortment and price.
You can find Foreign language materials for French-speaker and French language materials for non-French-speakes, and Greek and Latin materials
Gibert Jeune
上で紹介したGibert Josephから分かれた書店で新刊と中古を混在させて売るシステムも同じです。サン=ミッシェル付近に複数店舗があります。外国語の本を売るコーナーでは英語、スペイン語や古典のラテン語、ギリシア語を始め各国語の学習教材が見つかります。文房具コーナーもよってみたいところです。
The bookstore which is separated from Gibert Joseph, sells also both new and second hand books. You can find several branches around Saint-Michel. They sell books of English, Spanish, classic like Latin and Greek, and so on. They also have stationary store.
Shakespeare & Company
English bookstore close to metro station Saint-Michel – Notre-Dame. They display books in their own way, so you might find unexpected interesting books.
The Abbey Bookshop
It is also a English bookstore close to Saint-Michel. They have books published in Canada, U.K., and U.S.
古本市 Bouquinistes
There are many Bouquinistes along the riverside of the Seine.
Je cherche un livre ecrit par Eric Pessan – “La plus grande peur de ma vie” a Tokyo.
Dans ce cas, je recommande d’aller Omeisha et de demander si vous pouvez essayer ce livre. parfois je vois des livres français au marché aux puces(フリマ), mais c’est tout à fait au hasard.