English follows Japanese (as always in this site)
At Bookstores in Italy, you can easily find books in English, French and Spanish as foreign books.
ローマ Rome
La Feltrinelli
It is a publishing company of which branches you can find some in Rome.
La Feltrinelli International
English, French and Spanish books. Foreign language materials for Italian-speaker and Italian language materials for non-Italian-speakes.
La Feltrinelli Libri e Musica
A bunch of Latin and Greek books. In Italy bilingual books for Latin-Italian and Greek-Italian are relatively cheap, comparing with those of English or French such as Loeb and Belles-Letres.
テルミニ駅付近の古本市 Bouquinistes close to The Termini Station
Looks like those Bouquinistes along Seine in Paris. You may be a treasure hunter.
Libreria Editrice Vaticana
A book store of Vatican Publishing Department. You can find bibles and materials in several languages. Also there are some book stores around this place.
Libreria Pagina 2 (ex Orientalia)
A bookstore specialised for Oriental such as Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabian etc. Literature and its translation in Italian, materials for analysations.
ナポリ Naples
地下鉄一号線のダンテ駅前の広場とVia Port’Alba沿いに古書店がたくさんあります。
You can find many second hand book store around Piazza Dante at the Station Dante on line 1 and along the street called Via Port’Alba.